Sunday 2 October 2011

Make my own best friend hate me just so she can be happy...

Well this suck for me really hard. She now my Best Friend totally hate me... Even on her own birthday i didn't even try to answer a single call... Even wishing her birthday... A promise that i make to sang a birthday song with my guitar i broke it... A week before that i post a song on my wall on Facebook( at that time I know this will make she feel that i such a psycho or worst... But what the hell.. The truth of it, I just want to keep her happy with keep her away from me cause this is the best for her.. I do know it is so hard for me.. Even every single second,minute,hour i feel the guiltiness run in my heart.. But if I do not make this sacrifice... Every boy who like her got to go through me.. Dang i'm just her best friend not her parent she always refer me on asking every person who love her... But when i ask her what would if they know about me and her were close.. I think they would not be satisfy about me... When i ask her about it, she always will say that she won't accept them if they cannot accept me.. Dang i'm so pathetic to leave my best friend for this some sort of problem... Now i feel so sad because of it.. Dang I miss my best friend allot... But that relationship i can't get it back.. Cause now i'm just nobody to her... I do feel relief to help my best friend but the SORROW still within my heart.... Hopefully YOU can always be happy and UNDERSTAND why i do it and last but not least Thank You cause you were being My Best Friend =)      

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