Sunday 30 September 2012

I Feel So Lonely

..It is hard without you around..
Well it has been a while we don't talk together or even text.. Now I feel so lonely, without you around, it is not like we used to be..
If you didn't text I can understand you been busy,
If you didn't call I can understand you been busy,
If you hate me at sometime I can understand maybe you are busy,
If you stating not to love me I can understand you been busy,
But if one day I start to leave you at that time, i'm not been busy just consider my heart have broken to keep on waiting all this time..
You been wonderful all this time I could not lie for it.. But after a few day I gone from you.. You love to me feel like a lot less then you used to.. I even try to find a few time to text you back even i'm busy as hell.. But when you din't did like what I did.. It feel like you hate me.. I keep on text you even though I know you a busy but.. I seem like you have found someone new.. Or maybe it is just one of my feeling... I now you been busy but like you said.. ' I will do my part, and You should do your' now it is like you have forgotten does word.. Every night if i text I try to wait you to reply it, but when you doesn't reply it back.. I consider you have a sleep and I don't want to misjudge you with anything..
If you really love me said..
But if you didn't, try to said..
I may not be perfect,
But I try to  be one for you.. 

Saturday 29 September 2012

I'm All Alone and I Need You Right Now..

You Leave Me Here Alone :(
You... I miss you every single day..
Every time my phone ring.. I quickly check.. Hoping it was you.. But it is not.. I always be patient and say to myself 'maybe she testing me'.. But not maybe this test could hurt my feeling.. I won't say it is your fault but it is hard for me to... So maybe it is my fault to not keep in touch with you.. I hope that you won't leave me.. I just hope that you can be like we use to.. Always be together, tell each other our story of life, making each other laugh either it is funny nor not.. But the fact that we like each other because we have the same common thing.. Many of the girl I meet couldn't understand the half of myself.. Instead, you could under stand me.. I don't know, you make my world wonder with just a snap. You like a piece of heaven that I truly admire.. Not just your face, even down to your smell which i could't describe it.. It is like the smell show your beauty.. We used to keep in touch.. Even just one text then there will be the next and the next.. But now :( it is like you avoiding me.. Every time I text you.. You will reply just one or even you won't text me back at all.. It is not like to do such a thing.. But me as a men, I feel like you want to avoid me.. I can't cry truly.. But I know deep inside in my heart.. My heart flood with water right now.. Even at this time I could feel my heart cry... I don't know what happen between us.. It seem like it is my fault because we become like this.. If it does i'm so sorry.. The more I don't know about the more i feel this unwanted feeling in my heart.. I hope that you and I can be together.. I may not be perfect, I may not have the look and the nice voice.. But my love is the truly true that I have with.. You may not see it.. But if you see it.. Mean you know how much that I LOVE YOU..

Thursday 27 September 2012

Those Promise That we Make

Remember Those Promise That we Make
Night where it was raining.. The last day which will separate us for a while..
We did make a promise that won't leave each other alone.. The day that you cry in front of me when i'm gonna leave.. I start to make you upset but that wasn't my attention.. Cause in my entire life.. You would be the first one to cry for me.. I don't want you to cry that night.. But when you does that you make me feel guilty to leave you.. I start to wipe your tears away and ask you to stop.. I can't sleep that night and keep thinking of you.. But instead i lied and say i'm gonna overnight today.. But when the morning arrive.. I start to fill the sorrow in my heart which I didn't show it to you.. At the morning which i'm gonna leave.. I give to you some present.. Each of it have a meaning form me so you won't miss at all.. But when know the door of your room.. I seem liked I really don't want to leave so badly.. I tried my best to hide it from you.. When you open the door I hide the present from you just to see you before you start to cry.. No matter how you are.. You always looks beautiful.. When i have give the present and seen you cry.. You make me feel so bad... I try to close the door and make myself kinda busy at that  time.. In fact I wasn't.. Then when I tough i have locked the door.. You open it back.. At that time, I feel liked to hug you kiss you and let the time past by..
But I din't do it because i'm to afraid that you could not leave me at that time.. Then when I have leave the room.. I start to cry by myself.. Even thought my eye can't drip a water.. But I know myself very well that i cry so bad in my heart.. I do believe that time she was the one i have been looking for..
But now.. Let's pray that you and i could be together always..

Monday 17 September 2012

Day by Day I Been Waiting You..

Day by Day

Thing not going so well now a day.. I think I did something that hurt her but it could not said yes.. Now it feel so stupid to do something that stupid.. She always give me so many chances but I think I always ruined it.. I may not see it but I can feel it.. Not I feel so empty without her.. She the one and only that make me feel so the man can be in his life.. She the first one that cry for me.. She the one that ever say I Love You.. Hurmmmm.. To think of it she the first one that i ever kiss on :).. To think that sweet memory always make me smile... Never in my life had this girl which make my world wonderful.. Sweetie I Love You so much... I always do... If I did something wrong I will let you hit me as long it can make you feel good.. Cause every thing that you do make me love you more and more.. So sorry but I Love You..

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Trust Her And Be Patient

Accidentally In Love...

Accidentally In Love with her <3<3

The day first i meet her..
On my way back to my quarters there where i saw her for the first time in my life.. She taking a ride to the resort where i have my training practical.. First i'm saying to myself 'owh wow she a beauty for the first time'..
As time goes by i make me realize some thing weird but i try to endure it.. Then when i meet her for the first time at cafe on my to have a dinner there i got to know a bit about her... What a weird person she is?? But later then, me and her a become like a friend.. Then there was one night where i say to her... 'You know i realize something about you it seem like you have a split personality'.. I kinda weird for me to saying that but hahaha it seem she know what I mean about it.. Then that night I realize the girl that I hate and keep on teasing her.. She was the one who have stole my heart again... After a few more week just to be sure... She is the accidentally love of my life after all..
Thank You To NSR cause you can accept me just the way i'm.. Now i have my reason to change..
Love you as long we a together..