Thursday 27 September 2012

Those Promise That we Make

Remember Those Promise That we Make
Night where it was raining.. The last day which will separate us for a while..
We did make a promise that won't leave each other alone.. The day that you cry in front of me when i'm gonna leave.. I start to make you upset but that wasn't my attention.. Cause in my entire life.. You would be the first one to cry for me.. I don't want you to cry that night.. But when you does that you make me feel guilty to leave you.. I start to wipe your tears away and ask you to stop.. I can't sleep that night and keep thinking of you.. But instead i lied and say i'm gonna overnight today.. But when the morning arrive.. I start to fill the sorrow in my heart which I didn't show it to you.. At the morning which i'm gonna leave.. I give to you some present.. Each of it have a meaning form me so you won't miss at all.. But when know the door of your room.. I seem liked I really don't want to leave so badly.. I tried my best to hide it from you.. When you open the door I hide the present from you just to see you before you start to cry.. No matter how you are.. You always looks beautiful.. When i have give the present and seen you cry.. You make me feel so bad... I try to close the door and make myself kinda busy at that  time.. In fact I wasn't.. Then when I tough i have locked the door.. You open it back.. At that time, I feel liked to hug you kiss you and let the time past by..
But I din't do it because i'm to afraid that you could not leave me at that time.. Then when I have leave the room.. I start to cry by myself.. Even thought my eye can't drip a water.. But I know myself very well that i cry so bad in my heart.. I do believe that time she was the one i have been looking for..
But now.. Let's pray that you and i could be together always..

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